Artsadmin enables artists to create without boundaries, producing bold, interdisciplinary work to share with local, national and international audiences.
Everything Artsadmin does is underpinned by our core values:
Artsadmin believes that artists and arts organisations have an important role to play in exploring, communicating and taking practical action against issues around climate change and the environment.
As founder members of this network, we have produced regular projects including our biennial 2 Degrees Festival and commissioned Plunge and Empathy Museum, in collaboration with LIFT. We work with artists and activists, supporting grassroots activity as well as commissioning and producing particular projects and have also taken steps to make the way we work more sustainable, both at our Toynbee Studios home and in the projects we produce all over the world.
“When future generations look back upon the Great Derangement they will certainly blame the leaders and politicians of this time for their failure to address the climate crisis. But they may well hold artists and writers to be equally culpable – for the imagining of possibilities is not, after all, the job of politicians and bureaucrats.”Amitav Ghosh