Lena Dobrowolska, (b.1985, Poland) & Teo Ormond-Skeaping, (b.1987, Uk) live and work in London. They are artist collaboration working with a combination of photography, artist’s film, virtual reality, installation and research. Since 2012 they have been working on extensive, interdisciplinary projects relating to political ecology, climate change, climate justice, Loss and Damage, Slow Violence and the Anthropocene which they prefer to call the Captialocene.
“Our research led cross disciplinary practice is focused on forming meaningful collaborations with scientific, humanitarian, academic, activistic, artistic and developmental institutions and organisations in the Global North and Global South as well as multilateral organisation, with the intention of driving change in the political and cultural narratives that surround climate change, migration, human rights and development. We have a specific focus upon Loss and Damage (WIM) and Climate Justice, the climate adaptation, resilience and political leadership of the Global South and what we can learn about the humanitarian, developmental and psychological impact of climate change through the lived experienced of those that are living lives impacted by climate change and displacement.”Lena Dobrowolska & Teo Ormond-Skeaping
Their research led cross disciplinary practice is focused on forming meaningful collaborations with scientific, humanitarian, academic, activistic, artistic and developmental institutions and organisations in the Global North and Global South as well as multilateral organisation, with the intention of driving change, in the political and cultural narratives that surround climate change, migration, human rights and development. They have a specific focus upon Loss and Damage (WIM) and Climate Justice, the climate adaptation, resilience and political leadership of the Global South and what we can learn about the humanitarian, developmental and psychological impact of climate change through the lived experienced of those that are living lives impacted by climate change and displacement.
In June 2016 they were awarded the yearlong Culture and Climate Change: Future Scenarios networked research residency which was supported by the Jerwood Charitable Foundation, The University of Sheffield, The Open University and The Ashden Trust. They have since collaborated with a network of Climate Change researchers, NGO’s, policy makers and institutions including but not limited to ICCCAD, UNHCR, The Tyndall Centre and Jesuit Refugee Services.
In November 2019 they were awarded the COAL Prize on Disaster and Displacement at the Centre De Pompidou and then again at UNFCCC COP25 in Madrid where they presented their proposed film “You Never Know One Day You Too Could Become A Refugee” to negotiators and displacement specialists at the UN mandated side event that reviewed the work of Task Force On Displacement and at the French pavilion in collaboration with the Platform On Disaster Displacement, COAL and Displacement Uncertain Journeys.
Their work has been exhibited internationally, most recent exhibitions include: Month of Photography in Minsk (2020), Fotobok Festival Oslo (2020), Photomonth Krakow (2020), Noorderlicht Festival of Photography: Taxed To The Max (2019), Ci.CLO Bienal Fotografia do Porto (2019), Kunst HausWien: Museum Hundertwasser (2019), Unseen, Amsterdam (2018), Fotofestiwal, Łódź (2018), Fotograf Festival, Praga (2014). They have presented and lectured at institutions and events including: COP25 Madrid, The Financial Times Weekend, Wilderness Festival, The Royal Geographical Society. They have presented at conferences such as: Anthropocenes 2020 (2020, ESL & A & University of Silesia, PL), TheAnticipation Conference (2018, UK), IDOC’s (2018, 2020, UK), 2 Degrees Festival (Artsadmin, 2017, UK).